Next step of course is to create some sweet new VMs on my little virtualization platform.
I go through the most basic of steps, any 12 year old sysadmin could navigate...
Of course I'll Install CentOS 6.5 from a URL, because who wants to keep an ISO library on hand, am I right?
Well, my mistake is captured in this screen shot, and if you can see it immediately, you should have a bright future as an IT monkey.
How this error manifests itself is equally elusive, and it took me longer to discover the root cause than it took to write this blog. Those type of issues are usually blog worthy.
Anyhow, back on topic. The error presented to me looks like this:
Sep 25, 2014 12:26:34 PM Error: Starting VM 'CentOS 6 (64-bit) (1)' - Internal error: xenopsd internal error: XenguestHelper.Xenctrl_dom_linux_build_failure(2, " panic: xc_dom_core.c:616: xc_dom_find_loader: no loader\\\"")
Well, technically, it shows up in this hard to copy status area of XenCenter.
However, you can find this in the server's log and then copy the text from there. Hah, of course, now I've got an actual error string, and Google, problem solved, right? Hecky nah.
Googling this error will lead you down a nefarious twisted trail of hopelessness, especially considering how simple the cause and effect were in my case.
30 minutes of searching for bootloaders gone missing, corrupt device drivers, corrupt disk drives, and little green men from outer space led me no where good.
Finally, I realized the problem. If you see where the cursor is in that first screen shot, there is simply some white space at the end of the Installation URL. That simple mistake caused this avalanche of bizarre errors. I'm just so glad I found the root cause, because these type of issues are nothing but aggravation.
Thank you! In my case, the same ISO was used in another (stopped) VM and came from a CIFS ISO library. As soon as I set the other VM's DVD drive to the problem went away!